Full Lace Blonde VS 360 Blonde Lace Human Hair Wigs


When you go for blonde human hair wigs shopping, you will notice several types of wigs in the market. Sometimes some wigs like the full lace blonde and 360 blonde lace human hair wigs have similarities. The similarities in the Blonde Human Hair Wigs may confuse you on what to choose. Therefore, this article aims to inform you of the differences between full lace blonde human hair wigs and 360 blonde lace wigs.

Description of full lace blonde human hair wigs

Full lace blonde human hair wigs is a human hair wig that is blonde in color. Its base consists of a full lace on the entire head. Additionally, the wig cap is developed by hand-knotting each hair strand into the wig cap. Furthermore, the full lace ensures that the wig appears as if it is your natural hair.

Description of 360 blonde lace wigs

The 360 blonde lace wigs is a human hair wig that is also blonde in color. Sometimes, it is also referred to as 360 wigs and 360 frontal wigs. The 360 blonde lace wigs consist of 360 middle bundles and full lace frontals. Additionally, the 360 lace circle is found around the head. 

Similar to the full lace wig, the 360 lace wig hair is also hand-knotted into the cap, but it also involves machine sewing.

How to differentiate between full lace blonde and 360 blonde lace human hair wigs

1. Pricing difference

Several factors determine the pricing of a wig. One of the factors is the wig’s versatility. The 360 lace wig is not as versatile as the full lace blond human hair wig. The limitation is because the full lace wig allows for several styling options; therefore, it is more expensive than the 360 blonde lace wigs.

2. The breathability difference

A wig’s breathability is determined by the type and size of lace used. Usually, human hair wigs utilize very high-quality wigs. The high-quality wigs ensure high breathability levels. Thus, both the 360 and full lace wig share high-quality lace characteristics. The only difference comes in size. The 360 lace wig has a smaller lace than the full lace wig. Thus the breathability of the 360 lace wig will be a level below the full lace wig.

3. Lace size difference

The lace size is a crucial element in a wig. A full lace wig covers the entire head, while a 360 lace wig lace covers the whole hairline. Therefore, the difference between full lace blonde and 360 blonde lace human hair wigs in terms of size is that the full lace wig size is larger.

4. Cap construction difference

Cap construction processes can be handmade or machine-made. The 360 blonde lace wigs lace cap is made partly by machine and partially handmade. At the same time, in the full lace wigs lace, cap construction involves hand-knotting.


Distinguishing between full lace blonde and 360 blonde lace human hair wigs can be daunting as they share many similarities. Thus, before you go shopping, it is crucial to know the difference. Differentiating between the two will help you buy one that meets your exact specification.


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